Les revues en Parasitologie
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Les revues en Parasitologie
* Revues scientifiques dans le domaine de la biologie et de la santé : instructions aux auteurs
* Revues medicales (parasitologie incluse): instructions aux auteurs
* Facteurs d'impact 2004 pour quelques revues de Parasitologie :
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 2.80
International Journal for Parasitology 3.09
Parasite Immunology 1.47
Parasitology 1.69
Experimental Parasitology 1.35
Veterinary Parasitology 1.45
Journal of Parasitology 1.44
Parasitology Research 1.06
Les revues de la Société
* PARASITE : recherche fondamentale et appliquée dans tous les domaines de la parasitologie à travers le monde. Publie des mémoires, notes de recherche, sollicite des mises au point et rend compte de congrès. have a look!
* Bulletin de la Société Française de Parasitologie
Les revues de parasitologie
* Advances in Parasitology (sur demande d'éditeur)
* Parasitology Today (souvent sur demande d'éditeur)= Trends in Parasitology
* Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
* Experimental Parasitology
* Parasitology
* Acta Tropica
* International Journal for Parasitology
* Veterinary Parasitology
* Journal of Parasitology
* Parasitology Research
* Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
* Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
* Systematic Parasitology
* Folia Parasitologica
* Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington
* Journal of Helminthology
* Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée
* Parasite
* Parassitologia
* Research and reviews in Parasitology
Autres revues
* Wildlife Monography (sur demande d'éditeur)
* Behavior Ecology
* Oikos
* Animal Behaviour
* American Zoology
* Freshwater Biology
* Journal of Experimental Zoology
* Malacologia
* Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
* Wildlife Research
* Canadian Journal of Zoology
* Journal of Molluscan Studies
* Journal of Medical and Applied Malacology
* Malacological Review
* Mycologie
* Experimental Mycology
* Mycologia
* Mycological Research
* Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology
* Zoosystema
* Immunology Today
* Advances in Immunology
* Immunity
* Immunology
* Vaccine
* Parasite Immunology
* Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology
Génétique et Hérédité
* Annual Review of Genetics (sur demande d'éditeur)
* Trends in Genetics
* Genetics
* Trends in Ecology and Evolution
* Journal of Molecular Evolution
* Evolution
* Heredity
* Journal of Heredity
* Theoretical Population Biology
* Genetics Selection and Evolution
Sciences de l'environnement
* Conservation Biology
* Biodiversity Conservation
* Annual Review of Entomology (sur demande d'éditeur)
* Medical and Veterinary Entomology
* Journal of Economic Entomology
* Advances in Ecology Research (sur demande d'éditeur)
* Ecology
* Molecular Ecology
* American Naturalist
* Journal of Animal Ecology
* Journal of Ecology
* Oecologia
* Journal of Applied Ecology
* Functional Ecology
* Acta Oecologica
* African Journal of Ecology
* Proceeding Royal Society of London B Biology
* Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
* Bioscience
* Quaterly Review in Biology
* Cladistics
* Polar Biology
* Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire
* Cell
* Trends in Biochemical Science
* Nucleic Acid Research
* Biochemistry Systematics and Ecology
Sciences vétérinaires
* Animal Genetics
* Veterinary Record
* British Veterinary Journal
* Animal Production
* American Journal of Veterinary Research
* Veterinary Pathology
* Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research
* Preventive Veterinary Medicine
* Research in Veterinary Science
* Australian Veterinary Journal
* Journal of of the American Veterinary Medicine Association
* Veterinary Research
* Veterinary Quarterly
* Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary
* Veterinary Research Communications
* Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine vétérinaire Tropicale
* Nature
* Science
* Faseb Journal
* Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
* Scientific American
* Experientia
* Compte Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences III
* Tropical Animal Health and Production
* Journal of Arid Environment
* Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie exotique
* Revues medicales (parasitologie incluse): instructions aux auteurs
* Facteurs d'impact 2004 pour quelques revues de Parasitologie :
Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 2.80
International Journal for Parasitology 3.09
Parasite Immunology 1.47
Parasitology 1.69
Experimental Parasitology 1.35
Veterinary Parasitology 1.45
Journal of Parasitology 1.44
Parasitology Research 1.06
Les revues de la Société
* PARASITE : recherche fondamentale et appliquée dans tous les domaines de la parasitologie à travers le monde. Publie des mémoires, notes de recherche, sollicite des mises au point et rend compte de congrès. have a look!
* Bulletin de la Société Française de Parasitologie
Les revues de parasitologie
* Advances in Parasitology (sur demande d'éditeur)
* Parasitology Today (souvent sur demande d'éditeur)= Trends in Parasitology
* Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology
* Experimental Parasitology
* Parasitology
* Acta Tropica
* International Journal for Parasitology
* Veterinary Parasitology
* Journal of Parasitology
* Parasitology Research
* Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
* Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
* Systematic Parasitology
* Folia Parasitologica
* Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington
* Journal of Helminthology
* Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée
* Parasite
* Parassitologia
* Research and reviews in Parasitology
Autres revues
* Wildlife Monography (sur demande d'éditeur)
* Behavior Ecology
* Oikos
* Animal Behaviour
* American Zoology
* Freshwater Biology
* Journal of Experimental Zoology
* Malacologia
* Journal of Invertebrate Pathology
* Wildlife Research
* Canadian Journal of Zoology
* Journal of Molluscan Studies
* Journal of Medical and Applied Malacology
* Malacological Review
* Mycologie
* Experimental Mycology
* Mycologia
* Mycological Research
* Journal of Medical and Veterinary Mycology
* Zoosystema
* Immunology Today
* Advances in Immunology
* Immunity
* Immunology
* Vaccine
* Parasite Immunology
* Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology
Génétique et Hérédité
* Annual Review of Genetics (sur demande d'éditeur)
* Trends in Genetics
* Genetics
* Trends in Ecology and Evolution
* Journal of Molecular Evolution
* Evolution
* Heredity
* Journal of Heredity
* Theoretical Population Biology
* Genetics Selection and Evolution
Sciences de l'environnement
* Conservation Biology
* Biodiversity Conservation
* Annual Review of Entomology (sur demande d'éditeur)
* Medical and Veterinary Entomology
* Journal of Economic Entomology
* Advances in Ecology Research (sur demande d'éditeur)
* Ecology
* Molecular Ecology
* American Naturalist
* Journal of Animal Ecology
* Journal of Ecology
* Oecologia
* Journal of Applied Ecology
* Functional Ecology
* Acta Oecologica
* African Journal of Ecology
* Proceeding Royal Society of London B Biology
* Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
* Bioscience
* Quaterly Review in Biology
* Cladistics
* Polar Biology
* Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire
* Cell
* Trends in Biochemical Science
* Nucleic Acid Research
* Biochemistry Systematics and Ecology
Sciences vétérinaires
* Animal Genetics
* Veterinary Record
* British Veterinary Journal
* Animal Production
* American Journal of Veterinary Research
* Veterinary Pathology
* Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research
* Preventive Veterinary Medicine
* Research in Veterinary Science
* Australian Veterinary Journal
* Journal of of the American Veterinary Medicine Association
* Veterinary Research
* Veterinary Quarterly
* Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary
* Veterinary Research Communications
* Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine vétérinaire Tropicale
* Nature
* Science
* Faseb Journal
* Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
* Scientific American
* Experientia
* Compte Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences III
* Tropical Animal Health and Production
* Journal of Arid Environment
* Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie exotique
nord22- Résident I
- Messages : 50
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2010
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